Friday, May 28, 2010 Scholarship

1800Wheelchair offers a scholarship of $500 to a participant who is enrolled in a high school, college or university in Canada. Applicants must be 16 years of age or older.

Go to:

Help Johnny Scholarship!!!

This scholarship is available to any student over 19 years of age as of October 25, 2010. In order to apply you must submit the best excuse for not finishing your homework?
Go to:

Can't hurt to check this one out - it could be worth $5000.?

Deadline: Varies!

Ethel Boyce Award

Two scholarships of $1000 each are awarded to an applicant registered with a provincial ball association, and who plans to attend a Canadian post-secondary institute in the fall of 2010.

For more information go to:

Deadline: September 15th, 2010

Summer School for Grade 9 - 12 students!

The Regina School Division is once again operating a Summer School program. Classes will be held at F.W. Johnson Collegiate, and will begin on Monday, July 5th/2010 and will end on Friday, July 30th/2010.

Registration forms can be accessed at
or you can see Mrs. Tulloch for information and registration forms!

(At the site - click on the "student" link on the left hand side - and you will find summer school there!)

Other Post-Secondary Education/Training in Saskatchewan

Go to . Go to "learners" and then to "education and training". Go to "post-secondary". Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will find links to the universities, SIAST, Regional Colleges, Aboriginal Post-Secondary Schools, Private Vocational Schools, Religious Schools, Apprenticeship plus other educational and training opportunities!

Where do I find a particular program?

If you know what type of program you are interested in but don't know where you can find the school, go to: You will be able to find out where a particular program is offered!


We aim to keep the lines of communication open. If you have any questions about the information on this blog, please feel free to contact me at the school at 542-2521.
Glenda Tulloch

Parents, are you looking for a good book about transitioning from high school to university?

If you are looking for some reading material for students entering university, or for university students at any level, you might want to check this site out:
The site describes the book "University Matters" and has some downloadable resources you might want to explore!


Need some help studying for finals? Here is one link that might help you get started: